
Butt Implant Surgery Recovery: Tips + What To Expect

Written by WD Staff, Skin Care Specialists on May 10, 2018 9 Comments

butt augmentation recovery

The primary concern we receive from potential butt augmentation patients relates to recovery, particularly from those considering butt implants. This post will detail what to expect following butt implant surgery, along with a list of post-procedure tips to improve recovery time.

Recovery Timeline

2-3 Days Following Surgery: Moderate to severe pain and tenderness in the area is common and will be managed through pain medication (see Pain Management section below for more detail). Patients should refrain from sitting down, bending over, or sleeping on their back until they are cleared to do so by their surgeon. You may have a compressive garment on if liposuction was performed at the same time as your implant surgery.

1 Week following Surgery: Pain and swelling, while still present, will be reduced greatly. Patients are encouraged to walk and start doing minor physical tasks (sitting or bending should still be minimized). Many patients become excited to begin seeing the results of their procedure.

2 Weeks Following Surgery: Patients are usually cleared to sit normally and sleep on their back. Walking also begins to feel normal. While pain is much less at this point, swelling of the area continues to be present. Patients may be cleared to return to work as long as their job is not too physically demanding.

3-4 Weeks Following Surgery: Most bruising or swelling in the area should be resolved. The implants, however may continue to feel firm and tight. Many patients are cleared to perform light to moderate exercise.

5-6 Weeks Following Surgery: Most patients can expect bruising and swelling to be mostly resolved, revealing the final results of the procedure. Surgeons usually clear patients to resume all forms of activity including strenuous exercise.

Pain Management

Most patients will experience some degree of post-procedure pain which will subside over the first two weeks. The severity of pain you will feel depends upon your tolerance for pain and the surgical technique used. Patients will be able to manage their pain using prescription medication as necessary. Our surgeons like to inject a medication at the time of surgery that provides about three days of pain control at the surgical area.  This greatly reduces the need for prescription opioid medications.

Implant Settling

Immediately after the procedure it is common for the implants to feel firm and settle in a high position. Over time, the implants will begin to soften and settle to a more desirable position. At about the 6-week mark the buttocks will begin to take on a more settled appearance.


Scarring after butt augmentation surgery is permanent. However, the scar is typically small (around 2 inches long) and a skilled plastic surgeon will place the incision in an inconspicuous place (usually in the crease between the butt cheeks). Non-surgical laser treatments may be an option to minimize the appearance.


Unlike the recovery from most other surgeries, sitting or lying on your back following butt augmentation surgery is not recommended. In fact, patients will find that sitting for any longer than 10-15 minutes is difficult and uncomfortable until they are mostly healed.

During the first couple of weeks post-procedure, patients should plan to:

  • Rest and sleep primarily by lying on their stomach or sides.
  • Slightly squat (rather than sit) when using the bathroom.
  • Refrain from driving until fully healed.
  • After being cleared by their plastic surgeon, begin sitting again with the help of a “doughnut” or Boppy pillow.

Tips for a Speedy Recovery from Butt Implant Surgery

  • Follow all post-procedure instructions provided by your surgeon.
  • Attend all recommended post-procedure appointments.
  • Do not sit, bend over, or lay on your back until cleared by your surgeon.
  • Wear any recommended compression garments.
  • Limit any strenuous physical activity (i.e. exercise, sex, etc.) until cleared by your surgeon.
  • Plan to take 2-3 weeks off work.
  • Find a good caregiver to help you over the first week or two following your procedure.
  • Try to get lots of rest and sleep.
  • Eat healthy meals and stay hydrated with plenty of water during recovery.
  • Wear loose fitting clothes.
  • Avoid trying to look at your scars/incisions as that could re-open your wounds.

Note: It is important to realize that recovery varies from patient to patient as each individual’s pain tolerance and healing response is different. There are also many procedure specific variables that can affect recovery, like implant size and placement technique performed.


WD Staff

A united group of skin care specialists from Westlake Dermatology & Cosmetic Surgery, Austin's leader in Dermatology and Plastic Surgery. Articles posted under WD staff are authored through combined contributions from our entire team, including Plastic Surgeons, Dermatologists, Aestheticians, Physician Assistants, Aesthetic Nurses, and Patient Coordinators.

9 Responses to “Butt Implant Surgery Recovery: Tips + What To Expect”

  1. Franca says:

    So does butt lift have less recovery time than butt implants? Is is less painful?

  2. Dom says:

    I’ll be 2 weeks post op butt implants July 1st when does walking start to feel normal again with any discomfort? Only minor discomfort on my left cheek. Hasn’t dropped fully yet.

    • WD Staff WD Staff says:

      Hi Dom,

      Thanks for reading our post and sharing with our community. Recovery experiences definitely run a spectrum, usually walking starts to feel normal in 2-3 weeks following the procedure. As always, we encourage you to contact your surgeon with any concerns you may have. They may ask you to come in for a post-op appointment to make sure you are healing properly.

      So definitely give them a call if you are having any concerns over healing.

      WD Staff

  3. Amy says:

    I am considering butt implants. But I live on the 2nd floor, without an elevator. Immediately following surgery would I be able to walk up a flight of stairs with help? Thanks!

    • WD Staff says:

      Hi Amy,

      Thanks for reading our post and submitting your great question! As always we would recommend asking this question to all perspective surgeons you interview with to get their opinion.

      Walking upstairs right after butt implant surgery is definitely not ideal. We would probably recommend you to consider recovering in a hotel for 2-3 days following your procedure just to be safe. After 2-3 days walking upstairs with assistance should not be a problem.

      We hope that helps!

      WD Staff

  4. Katalin says:

    I had my implants 18 months ago and than one on the left came out of the pocket and I could see it and occasionally it has reversed sides.
    I had them put back lest than two weeks ago but can see it has already moved really low and I feel it’s not under my muscles… my surgeon denies it but he even did when it was obviously out. I am looking to replace them in a few months…
    What do you suggest ?

    • WD Staff WD Staff says:

      Hi Katalin,

      We are sorry to hear about this. Implant displacement, while rare, can occur. However without seeing you in person for an assessment there is not a lot of guidance we can provide. Your best option may be to get a second opinion. Seek out another Board Certified surgeon for a consultation to have them assess the issue. A skilled surgeon will be able to come up with a few treatment options for correcting (and reinforcing) placement.

      WD Staff

    • Sarah says:

      Hey how long was it until you were able to sit hours at a time?

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