High Definition Vaser Liposuction
Over 15,000 liposuction procedures have been safely and successfully performed by the physicians of Westlake Dermatology.
Liposuction is a surgical body contouring procedure that permanently removes unwanted fat from targeted treatment areas. High Definition Vaser liposuction (also referred to as HD Lipo or VASERlipo) is a gentle liposuction technique that utilizes Vaser ultrasound technology to reshape and sculpt the body with precision.
What is Vaser HD Liposuction?
Vaser liposuction is a form of liposuction that uses ultrasound technology to eliminate unwanted body fat and recontour the body. HD liposuction is a more precise fat removal technique that allows for the removal of fat in the superficial layers of the skin in order to reveal more definition. High Definition lipo is commonly performed on the abdomen to enhance the appearance of the abs (known as ab etching) for a toned, athletic-looking appearance.
HD Lipo uses Vaser ultrasound energy to disrupt the outer membrane of fat cells, causing them to liquify. Liquified fat is then removed through suction. The procedure only targets fat cells, all other surrounding tissue, nerves and blood vessels remain unaffected. The addition of ultrasound makes HD liposuction more efficient and less invasive form of liposuction.
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How does High Definition Vaser Liposuction differ from Traditional Liposuction?
While liposuction techniques can vary, the underlying principle of the procedure is universal: targeted pockets of body fat are broken down prior to being extracted from the body through a cannula via high-pressure vacuum suctioning. Traditional or tumescent liposuction breaks down fat with the use of tumescent fluid. HD Lipo is an alternative to this form of liposuction that uses ultrasound energy to break the bonds between fat cells prior to removal.
The addition of ultrasound energy makes High Definition liposuction more precise and less invasive compared to traditional liposuction.
HD Liposuction is More Precise
Using Vaser HD lipo, an experienced surgeon can access the superficial layer of fat just below the skin, creating a more enhanced, smooth, and chiseled contour. HD liposuction is a more precise method of fat removal, making it ideal for detailed sculpting like ab etching. This is why it’s often referred to as HD liposuction. The precise nature also makes the procedure an ideal choice for addressing small areas of the body like the neck and upper arms.
HD Liposuction is More Gentle
Vaser HD lipo only targets fat cells. During the procedure no damage is caused to underlying blood vessels, connective tissues and nerves. This leads to less bruising and swelling after the procedure, and may allow for a quicker recovery time.
How is Vaser HD Liposuction Performed?
Vaser liposuction can be performed under local or general anesthesia. The treatment area is first filled with a saline solution that carries anesthetic. The Vaser ultrasound probes are then injected into the area through small incisions. Pulsing sound waves loosen and break up fatty tissue. This tissue is then removed with a small vacuum-like device.
After the procedure, some numbing fluid remains in the treatment area in order to provide continued pain reduction. This fluid will naturally reabsorb as you heal.
What Body Areas Can Be Treated?
Vaser HD liposuction treats the same body areas addressed by traditional liposuction, and then some. It’s possible to treat more than one area during a single treatment session.
- Neck, chin and jowls
- Upper arms
- Chest
- Back fat and love handles
- Abdomen and waist
- Hips
- Buttocks
- Thighs
- Knees, calves, and ankles
If the patient chooses, the fat can be harvested and transferred into other targeted areas of the body including the buttocks (Brazilian butt lift), breasts, face, or anywhere else that additional volume is desired.
What Types of Results Are Possible with Vaser Liposuction?
High Definition Vaser lipo allows for precision body sculpting. Experienced surgeons can use HD lipo to remove large pockets of fat and perform targeting etching of the body, enhancing the appearance of underlying muscle. It is commonly used for ab etching, making the appearance of abs more prominent and toned-looking. The procedure is not a weight-loss method, but perfect for those at their ideal body weight who just can’t get the definition and contour they desire through exercise and diet alone.
Most patients will achieve immediate results, with the final results occurring 4-6 months after the procedure as swelling reduces and the body heals.
How Long Does It Take to Recover?
Vaser HD liposuction is a gentle, minimally invasive procedure that causes less trauma to the treatment area than traditional liposuction. Like any surgical procedure, however, HD lipo does require some downtime.
Post procedure, patients may experience light to moderate pain which is managed through prescription medication. Most patients will be able to return to work and normal daily activities within 1-3 days of the procedure and be cleared for exercise and strenuous activity in 2-3 weeks. Depending on the treatment area, patients may need to wear compression garments to allow for proper healing.
Are There Any Side Effects?
High Definition liposuction has an excellent safety record and is among the most commonly performed cosmetic procedures. Some side effects may include the following:
- Bruising or swelling immediately following the treatment
- Pain at the treatment site
- Scarring at incision sites
- Asymmetry or lumpy skin in the treatment area (uncommon)
- Loose skin that doesn’t conform to the new body contour (uncommon)
Side effects are minimized by closely following all post-operative care instructions.
Are HD Liposuction results permanent?
Once fat cells are removed via High Definition Vaser liposuction, they do not return. However, lifestyle changes that lead to an increase in body weight may cause remaining fat cells to grow. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle by eating well and exercising daily is the best way to ensure long- liposuction results.