The physicians and staff of Westlake Dermatology & Cosmetic Surgery are committed to providing services that set the standard in patient care. Please click a name or photo below to view information about our practitioners.
Plastic Surgeons
- Helyn Alvarez, MDView Bio
- Kelly Aschenbeck, MDView Bio
- Jonathan Bielfield, DOView Bio
- Laura Buford, MDView Bio
- Jean Chalres, DOView Bio
- Peggy Chern, MDView Bio
- Hubert Chodkiewicz, MDView Bio
- Melinda Conroy, DOView Bio
- Morgan Covington, MDView Bio
- Macey Delcambre, MDView Bio
- Jessica “Nikki” Dietert, MDView Bio
- Kate Edwards, MDView Bio
- Neil Farnsworth, MDView Bio
- Malini Fowler, MDView Bio
- Daniel Friedmann, MDView Bio
- Madeleine Gantz, MDView Bio
- Elizabeth Geddes-Bruce, MDView Bio
- Jennifer Gordon, MDView Bio
- Miriam Hanson, MDView Bio
- Donna Hart, MDView Bio
- Lindsey Hunter-Ellul, MDView Bio
- Julie Jackson, MDView Bio
- Keemberly Kim, MDView Bio
- Cheryl Kosarek, MDView Bio
- Matthew LaCour, MDView Bio
- Lela Lankerani, DOView Bio
- Adam Mamelak, MDView Bio
- Alison Moseley, MDView Bio
- Madalyn Nguyen, DOView Bio
- Gregory Nikolaidis, MDView Bio
- Heidi Prather, MDView Bio
- Kellie Reed, MDView Bio
- Lisa Rhodes, MDView Bio
- Lindsey Richards, MDView Bio
- Lauren Rimoin, MDView Bio
- Chaney Rottluff, MDView Bio
- Fareesa Sandoval, MDView Bio
- Quynh-Giao Sartor, MDView Bio
- Stephanie Saxton-Daniels, MDView Bio
- Ali Shahbaz, MDView Bio
- Holly Singletary, MDView Bio
- Adam Smithee, MDView Bio
- Tatiana Sousa, MDView Bio
- Laura Speck, MDView Bio
- Jordan Staples, MDView Bio
- Christa Tomc, DOView Bio
- Timothy Tran, MDView Bio
- Emily Wood, MDView Bio
Physician Assistants / Nurse Practitioners
- Kim Anderson, PA-CView Bio
- Sara Bode, FNP-CView Bio
- Christian Boudreaux, PA-CView Bio
- Jade Cahill, PA-CView Bio
- Katie Fowler, PA-CView Bio
- Sarah Grimmer, DNP-BCView Bio
- Nicole Grimmer Hill, FNP-BCView Bio
- Kristin Kutac, PA-CView Bio
- Lauren Macha, PA-CView Bio
- Sally Matika, PA-CView Bio
- Laura Scott, PA-CView Bio
- Eden Warrick, PA-CView Bio