
Can You Prevent Facial Aging?

Written by Lela Lankerani, MD, Board Certified Dermatologist on August 7, 2015 One Comment

preventing facial aging

Men and women throughout the world engage in the war on aging. While there are a number of cutting edge anti-aging products and treatments on the market, is it really possible for a person to control the rate at which they age? The answer is a combination of “yes” and “no”.

Uncontrollable aspects of aging

We all know the effects of aging like wrinkles, sagging of the skin, and volume loss (hollowing of facial areas) are a normal part of getting older. Unfortunately some characteristics that determine your rate of aging are completely out of your control and cannot be prevented:

Genetics: Many of our patients commonly compare their appearance with that of their parents. This is because genetic inheritance plays a big part in determining your overall facial appearance as you age. Genes determine much of our appearance including symmetry, skin characteristics (such as skin type and thickness), and bone structure. Genetics are also at the forefront of how your body reacts to external influences like time, UV exposure, etc.

Anatomy: Another factor that influences facial aging is your facial anatomy. Both the amount and strength of your facial muscles will determine your appearance over the years. For instance, if you have strong muscles between your eyebrows (meaning they are more active when making natural facial expressions) you will be more prone to wrinkle development in that area.

Gravity: The same natural force that keeps us grounded is responsible for a constant tug on your skin. Over the years, this pull takes a larger and larger tool on the face resulting in sagging skin.

4 factors in your control

While the uncontrollable aspects of aging are significant, there are many things that are directly within your control. These are everyday contributors to aging that can be manipulated with a little effort.

Sun Protection: Overexposure to UVA and UVB rays from the sun directly lead to premature aging, resulting in the development of wrinkles, sun spots, and dullness of the skin. Start counteracting these effects today by practicing safe sun protection methods like wearing a good sunscreen and avoiding the sun during peak times.

Smoking: Cigarettes promote aging in two ways. First, the actual act of smoking (repeatedly puckering your lips around the cigarette) causes direct wrinkling around the mouth and forehead. Second, smoking decreases the body’s overall oxygen levels which in turn decreases the skin’s natural resilience. This is a powerful one-two punch that accelerates aging. Smoking is detrimental to your health for these reasons, in addition to many more.

Alcohol: The over-consumption of alcohol has been shown to cause skin discoloration and the development of broken blood vessels or spider veins. Long term alcohol abuse is additionally linked to poor muscle tone.

Diet: You really are what you eat. There are foods that can help the body fight aging just as there are foods that contribute to aging faster. In general eating a well-balanced diet that is high in fruits and vegetables and shies away from fats, sugars, and processed foods will minimize the effects of aging on your appearance. So eat great and look great!

An ounce of prevention

Making changes to the above four factors can have a profound effect on your appearance. Along with these changes there are a number of great preventative skincare products and treatments that go a long way in the fight against aging.

Anti-aging skincare products: Today there are a number of effective products that can both have immediate and long-term anti-aging benefits. Look for products made from proven anti-aging ingredients like retinol, growth factors, or hyaluronic acid. We sell the finest dermatological-grade skincare products.

Chemical Peels: Chemical peels are topically applied formulas that revitalize the skin surface by creating an even and controlled shedding of the skin cells. This allows new layers to be exposed, creating a fresh appearance and smoother texture to the skin surface. Regularly doing peels can keep your skin looking vibrant and youthful.

Micro-Needling: The micro-needling process involves the creation of microscopic channels through the surface of the skin, which leads to formation of new tissue and releases the skin’s natural growth factors which promote scar and hyperpigmentation repair and healing. Micro-needling procedures naturally spur collagen production while reducing aging related issues of wrinkling and age spots.

Laser Treatments: Depending on the specific type of laser utilized, laser treatments can help with skin tightening, age or sun spots, resurfacing, and more.  Typically results are visible immediately but improve over time.


Lela Lankerani, MD

Lela Lankerani D.O. received her undergraduate degree in Biology at Washington University where she graduated cum laude. Dr. Lankerani has published articles in several scientific journals and has presented at national scholarly meetings including the American Academy of Dermatology and American Osteopathic Academy of Dermatology.

One Response to “Can You Prevent Facial Aging?”

  1. Megan says:

    Excellent post, very informative.

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